Nice title on the topic.. but.. oops.. the truth is that there is really not much secret to the KZ system. Formerly being a "teacher" of sorts, both in the hobbyist fields such as incense and other fun collectibles, and in the academic sphere, I'm a firm believer of education that will eventually need to become "open source", because we all are transient sentient beings, items, knowledge, understandings, we are always the temporal "keepers". Secrecy was once used as a tool just to keep the wrong information away from the right audience and the right information away from the wrong audience. In my early incense classes which were "Sit down" classes of 4 sessions of over 3 hours each, amidst these small several hundred former attendees over a span of over two years, attendees came from all walks of life, some from the fragrant wood trade whom sent their staff to "see" what i was up to, to unique metaphysical individuals whom want to use incense to achieve certain metaphysical ... [Read More...]